According to a recent study by the American Institute of Stress, nearly 90% of all primary care doctor visits are related to stress. Ranging from stomachaches, back pain and heart disease, it has been estimated that stress costs American companies over $300 billion last year last year.

Numerous research studies have shown that feeling grateful and acting in a grateful manner help to reduce stress dramatically. Being grateful for what you have in your life lays the foundation for reducing stress and gaining happiness now. It is also a key to unlocking the door to attracting more of what you are grateful for in the future.

To paraphrase the words of Buddha, “…Think good thoughts, say good words, do good deeds.” If Gratitude were an archery target, Feeling would be the outer ring. Saying would be the middle ring. Doing would be the bullseye. Here are some suggestions, in no particular order, to hit the bullseye by expressing gratitude as we enjoy a beautiful spring:

Feel grateful for your health. Act grateful by doing exercise on a regular basis.

Feel grateful for you clothes. Act grateful by keeping them clean and neat.

Feel grateful for your money. Act grateful by sharing and spending wisely.

Feel grateful for your parents. Act grateful by honoring them.

Feel grateful for the beach. Act grateful by picking up litter.

Feel grateful for your car. Act grateful by keeping it well maintained.

Feel grateful for your garden. Act grateful by enjoying its beauty and bounty.

Feel grateful for your employer. Act grateful by putting in a good day’s work.

Feel grateful for loved ones who have died. Act grateful by honoring their memories with charity and good deeds.

Feel grateful for your home. Act grateful by keeping it tidy and in good repair.

Feel grateful for your dog. Act grateful by taking him for walks and providing good care.

Feel grateful for your clients, patients or customers. Act grateful by providing top-notch service or products.

Feel grateful for your children. Act grateful by setting a good example.

Feel grateful for your smartphone. Act grateful by eschewing its use while driving.

Feel grateful for your house of worship. Act grateful by attending services.

Feel grateful for the Earth. Act grateful by recycling more.

Feel grateful for your education. Act grateful by donating to their scholarship fund.

Feel grateful for your favorite wine or spirits. Act grateful by imbibing moderately.

Feel grateful for your grandparents and family elders. Act grateful by showing respect and love.

Feel grateful for your computer. Act grateful by keeping your anti-virus software up to date.

Feel grateful for our country.  Act grateful by honoring veterans.

Feel grateful for God. Act grateful by demonstrating grace and loving-kindness.

Feel grateful for your spouse. Act grateful by doing a chore they really dislike.

Feel grateful for food. Act grateful by eating mindfully.

The key to laying the foundation for reducing stress and attracting positive energy into your life this spring is to manifest gratitude for the people, things and situations you feel grateful for.

How will you manifest gratitude this spring? What good thoughts will you think? What good words will you say? What good deeds will you do? What are you grateful for?